How do I register for classes?
All registrations are taken online through our website.
What forms of payments do you accept?
Upon registration, class tuition and registration fees are required to secure the account. Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Cash and Checks are accepted for payment, however we do charge a small $3.00 credit card convenience fee for tuition payments made using a credit card. There are no fees for using a Check or cash for tuition payments. The studio never keeps your credit card information on file and we do not offer online payment options as a desire to keep our tuition pricing as low as possible.
How do I add to a wait list for full classes?
Our business office holds registrations for our classes that are closed. If an opening becomes available, students will be notified.
Do you have any recitals or showcases?
We have one year-end recital at the end of our dance season in June.
How do I schedule a trial class?
Trial classes are available for new students. Drop in/Trial rates are $20.00 per class and are applied towards registration fees if you enroll. After October 1, trial classes must be approved by the studio director.
How do I drop a class or withdraw from the studio?
To drop a class or withdraw from the studio, email the studio director at; Drops must be received by the 10th of the month, or the next month’s fees still apply.
Oh no! I’ve lost my shoes! What do I do?
The studio recommends labeling all dancewear, shoes, and personal items with the dancers name. We do our best to make sure that items are returned to their owners, however, without a name, we cannot be responsible for items that do not make it home. The studio offers a lost and found basket located at the hall entrance of the studio.
How do I makeup missed classes?
Email; with the name of the dancer, and what class your dancer would like to make up in. Our Director will schedule a makeup class, notify the instructor, and the dancer will check in at the café on the date attending. Students are allowed three makeup classes if they are absent September thru March of our dance year. After March 1, the studio does not offer options for makeup classes due to recital preparations.
Can my child take a break from class and resume during the same calendar year?
The DanceWorks Curriculum is designed for students’ attendance from August thru June. Consistency in attendance is essential for improvement and growth in the dance elements. Students wishing to discontinue instruction must email the studio director by the 10th of the month if they wish to withdraw from the class.